Coastal works
Modeling Artemida coast
Planning: 2000
Commissioner: Municipality of Artemida
This planning project is about the part of the coast line which lies within the borders of the Municipality of Artemida, Attica.
In this part of the coast, a large number of bathers swarm during summer without any facilitation for their access, stay and recreation. Consequently, the heavy traffic of the vehicles, the lack of sufficient parking space and side walks make the pedestrian and vehicle coexistence chaotic.
In the proposed planning for the development of the coast, there is provision for:
a) Improved tracing of the coastal road, formation of a side walk and parking posts.
b) Construction of a main entrance with info desks, administration offices, lifeguard and emergency rooms
c) Construction of changing cubicles, two canteens, a restaurant, multi-purpose space, an open-air theatre and a cinema.
d) Construction of a swimming pool with a water slide and creation of a play ground and recreation area.
e) Expansion of the existing green with tree replanting and low bushes islands with sea proximity tolerant plants.
f) Installation of a purification plant