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Culture Centre in Posseidonia, Syros
Longitudinal Chalkis Museum
Culture Centre of Gerakas Municipality
Art Station of Fine Arts School in Paros
Argiri Market, Patras
Cultural Space, Patras
Technological Park, Lavrio

Cultural centers

Cultural Space within Kollas Warehouse in Patras

Architectural Competition: 2004,
Competition Sponsor: Patras Municipality

Main architectural interventions

- Restoration of the initial design of the building with the reconstruction of the arcade on the NE side.
- Restoration of the simulated façade adornment with the aid of the standing parts and the standards of relative buildings in Patras.
- Making use of the considerable height of the building and its roof by means of creating a second level for the integration of the shadow show theatre as well as of subordinate room.

Function units

- Central foyer with an info desk – booking office, in combination with a bookshop-disk shop
- Canteen space
- Galleries, educational programs and administration spaces.
- Loft: Auditorium