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E. Venizelos Monument, Athens
Alexander the Great, Athens
Unknown Soldier Monument in Athens


Reinstatement and restoration of the Unknown Soldier Monument in Syntagma sq., Athens

Planning: 2003
Construction: 2004
Commissioner: Unification of the Archaeological Sites of Athens S.A.

The object of this planning project is the reinstatement and restoration of the gathering space around the Unknown Soldier Monument in Athens (Syntagma square).
The interventions include: drilling of the asphalt paving,  abrasion and machine cleaning of marble paving, steps, wayside skirting, parapets and wherever necessary, replacement of marble paving, broken compact marble steps and restoration of marble cladding, putting of the joints of the marble layer of the cenotaph, amending the lanes of ground concrete frames.
The gardening design provides for an upgraded composition and easier maintenance of the green while keeping the overall impression of the existing plantation as unaffected as possible.